At one time or another, most of us have experienced the excruciating pain as we twist our body or a joint as a result of a fall or improper landing. Ankles are the most commonly sprained, but these tips can help you recover more quickly.
Questions? Call us! 217-351-3116
At one time or another, most of us have experienced the excruciating pain as we twist our body or a joint as a result of a fall or improper landing. Ankles are the most commonly sprained, but these tips can help you recover more quickly.
The 217 Immediate Care Medical team is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for your entire family, delivered with compassion and medical excellence. These values are integral to our philosophy of care and expressed in our behavior, our attitude, and our approach to your care.
At 217 Immediate Care, our passionate commitment to enriching the health of our friends, neighbors, children and employees is reflected in everything we do. Our overall goal is a healthy, happy community and CHOICE, which is why we welcome every opportunity to partner with local health care providers, physicians and hospitals. We will always work to achieve the best possible care and network with both primary care physicians and specialists in the medical community to ensure each patient experiences a superior standard of care.
Our driving question is always “What is right for our patient?” because we want for you what we would want for ourselves and our families.
1806 N. Market St.
Champaign, Illinois 61822
(I-74 & Neil Street)
Phone: 217-351-3116
Fax: 217-356-7167
Monday – Friday
7 am – 4:30 pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Due to HIPAA regulations, we cannot answer specific questions about a patient’s health via email. If your question involves your health or the health of a family member, please call us at 217-351-3116.